Notice of Privacy

Cookie Privacy Notice: In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (hereinafter referred to as the "Law"), we would like to ask you to carefully read the Terms and Conditions contained in this document, since the simple contribution that you make or have made of your Personal Data or Sensitive Data constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions: In accordance with the provisions of section I of article 16 of the Law, EMX Capital will be the Controller that decides on the processing of personal data, only in the event that personal information has been provided to it by any means. The address of EMX Capital is Montes Urales #720, 5th floor, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec in Mexico City.

The terms “Personal Data” and “Sensitive Data” will have the meaning attributed to them in article 3 of the Law. The Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data that you may provide to the Controller will be used as described below, by way of example but not limited to: To identify you, locate you, communicate with you, contact you, send you information, as well as for its transmission to third parties by any means permitted by law. The use of Personal Data and Sensitive Data will be directly related to the type of interaction you have with the Controller, whether commercial, employment, civil, mercantile or of any other nature.

The duration of the handling of Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data will be indefinite, starting from the date on which you provided them or have provided them to the Responsible Party of the Institution, which of course you may object to at any time you consider appropriate. Once you provide the Responsible Party with your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data, we inform you that they will be kept in different secure media that technology allows, access to which will be limited only to the physical persons and/or legal entities with which the Responsible Party has a legal relationship.

The Controller will have the security measures it deems appropriate to protect the use of your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data by unauthorized third parties. In the event of a request from any authority, the Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data may be made available to them, in strict compliance with the Law. The processing of your Personal Data, which you have made available to the Controller under any form or circumstance, may be carried out by the Controller in accordance with these terms and conditions, so from this moment it is understood that you expressly authorize the Controller for this purpose, until such time as you express your opposition through any of the means indicated by the Law.

You will have access to your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data at all times, either to request their rectification, cancellation or opposition in accordance with the provisions of the Law, in writing or electronically, by sending your message to EMX Capital at the following address: Montes Urales #720, 5th floor, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec in Mexico City, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., on business days, or to the email address indicating "PERSONAL DATA" in the subject line. To do so, you must expressly inform us of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition that you wish to exercise over your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data, as well as the purpose for which you provided them and, in general, comply with the requirements mentioned in article 29 of the Law.

In the case of Sensitive Data, you will have the right to be informed by the Controller of any transfer that may be made of the same to any third party, and to do so you will be notified of such action by any means, whether written, telephone, electronic, optical, sound, visual or any other means that technology allows now or in the future.

If this is the case, you will have the right to object to this, by following the process mentioned in the immediately preceding point. ARCO Rights. You have the right to know what personal data we have about you, what it is used for and the conditions of use we give it (Access). Likewise, you have the right to request the correction of your personal information if it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification); that we delete it from our records or databases when you consider that it is not being used in accordance with the principles, duties and obligations provided for in the law (Cancellation); as well as to oppose the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Opposition).

These rights are known as ARCO rights. To exercise any of the ARCO rights, you may submit a written request to the Transparency Unit, in a format or electronically at the email address, which must contain: The name of the owner and his/her address or any other means to receive notifications; Documents proving the identity of the owner, and where applicable, the personality and identity of his/her representative; If possible, the responsible area that processes the personal data; A clear and precise description of the personal data in respect of which you seek to exercise any of the ARCO rights, unless it is the right of access; the description of the ARCO right that you intend to exercise, or what the owner is requesting, and any other element or document that facilitates the location of the personal data, where applicable.

If you request rectification, you must also indicate the modifications to be made and provide the necessary official documentation to support your request. In the right of cancellation, you must state the reasons that motivate the deletion.

And in the right to object, you must state the reasons that justify ending the processing of personal data and the damage or harm that it would cause, or, if the objection is partial, you must indicate the specific purposes with which you do not agree, provided that it is not a mandatory requirement. The Transparency Unit will respond at the address or means that the owner of the personal data designates in his/her request, within a period of 15 business days, which may be extended by 10 more business days upon prior notification.

The response will indicate whether the request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition is appropriate and, if applicable, will be effective within 15 business days following the date on which the response is communicated. Data from the Transparency Unit Address: Montes Urales #720, 5th floor, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec in Mexico City

Telephone: (52) 55 5249 8020 Institutional email:

In the event that the Controller intends to give a different use to the Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data that you have provided, you will be notified of such circumstance by any means, whether written, telephone, electronic, optical, sound, visual or any other that technology allows now or in the future. If this is the case, you will have the right to object to this, and must follow the process mentioned above. In the case of Sensitive Data, you must provide the Controller with your express written consent for its processing, through your handwritten signature, electronic signature, or any authentication mechanism established for this purpose. The change to this notice may be made and will be made known to you through our internet portal (, or through any other means permitted by law.